Participació a l'Escola Europea de Short Sea Shipping

L'alumnat del cicle de Comerç Internacional participarà, durant el mes de febrer de 2011, al programa de formació MOST NUMINA de l'Escola Europea Short Sea Shipping amb seu a Barcelona.


 COI a Escola Europea Short Sea ShippingCOI a Escola Europea Short Sea Shipping

El curs és farà a bord d'un vaixell de càrrega de Grimaldi Lines que cobreix la línia Barcelona - Civitavecchia a Itàlia. Durant 4 dies, l'alumnat rebrà formació de mà de professionals del sector en diverses conferències i ponències, tant als dos ports com durant el viatge d'anada i tornada a Itàlia. A més, hauran de resoldre un cas pràctic on veuran i tractaran de primera mà la conveniència del short sea shipping per a transports de curta distància respecte al transport de carretera.
Aquest curs està subvencionat al 50% per la Comissió Europea que aposta per la integració i formació d'aquests futurs professionals per una logística més eficient dins del marc de la Unió Europea.

Participant profile

This course is aimed at higher vocational education taught in EU schools, with a specialisation as a senior technician in transport management, logistics and/or international trade. As for the AVTORITAS course, all the necessary actions will be undertaken to make sure that participation in the NUMINA course can count as a subject and credit in the training plan. The teachers from the school itself will teach some of the areas. To this end, they will first attend an AVTORITAS course.

Course Content

Initiation in maritime logistics and basic operations and services in Short Sea Shipping.
Duration: 4 days
Attendance on the courses will count as a subject or as a part of a subject and will credit in the training plan
Participation in the AVTORITAS and NUMINA courses will be recognised in terms of credits for different European Universities and Technical Schools.

A European School

The school was born in Catalonia, and was founded with partners from Italy and Spain, and built with people from fourteen European countries. It is a common space in which knowledge must be transmitted in such a way that everyone taking part can make the most of it and apply it in the most efficient way possible. It should be the arena for an ongoing learning process allowing us to move forward to a better society.
This project motivates those of us who take part in it in a special way and we hope it motivates all those who decide to join us along the way.